Program Hours
PreK Hours
Morning Classes: 9 AM -11:30 AM.
Afternoon Classes: 12:45 PM - 3:15 PM
PreK Teachers - Mrs. Schnorr, Ms. Young, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Mack, Mrs. Fell, Ms. Coolman, Mrs. Goode
Early Childhood (EC) Hours
Morning Classe: 8:45 AM-11:45 AM
Afternoon Classes: 12:30 PM-3:30 PM
EC Teachers - Ms. Hueber, Mrs. Faber, Ms. Friedlein, Mrs. King
October Events
October 11 -No School-Teacher Institute Day
October 14-No School-Indigenous People's Day
October 15-Papa John's Fundraiser
October 16- Fall Picture Day!
Order before Picture Day to receive free shipping to the school. Order online and bring that smile on the 16th!
October 18- PreK Screening- Click Here for Information
October 24-No Early Childhood Classes, Pre-K is in Session
October 25-No Pre-K Classes (Teacher PLC Day)
October 31-PBIS Celebration-Special Snack
ELDC Calendars
ELDC 2024-25 Calendar
Detailed PreK Calendar
Detailed EC Calendar
ELDC 2025-26